Interesting observations REDPILL.
I noticed that right after I stepped down (for "health reasons"), the elders on the body were more open to sharing their "grievances" with me than when I was an elder.
well, well, that was quite a heartfelt welcome on this site four days ago.
thank you all for the encouraging replies.
one of them was this one from magnum: "hey now, don't just pop your head in and disappear.
Interesting observations REDPILL.
I noticed that right after I stepped down (for "health reasons"), the elders on the body were more open to sharing their "grievances" with me than when I was an elder.
here in the uk new drinking guidelines have been issued which suggest "no more than 14 units a week - equivalent to six pints of beer or seven glasses of wine.".
another piece of the advice which is getting a lot of attention is that "if people drink, it should be moderately over three or more days and that some days should be alcohol-free.".
already people are making cries of "nanny state!
We're BFFs
i wanted to relate an experience that happened this morning.
it is regarding the new format for the meeting on thursdays in my area.
its not word for word but im summarizing what i heard, the best i can remember.
I understand why many have been incredulous of JOHN AQUILA's stories. . .
But really this kind of anecdotal stuff doesn't bother me. . . . because it is anecdotal and proves nothing regardless of whether or not it's actually true.
Just my $.02
it's up to some 800 zillion dollars now and hasn't suckered me in yet.
i've been out of watchtower for some 38 years now and i suppose the lottery is one of their nonoze.
i have nothing morally wrong against it or anyone who enjoys doing it.
1.3 billion. . . . .
Ok. Now I'm interested.
so went to the meeting last night.
i had not been to one since before the holiday break (3 weeks ago).
besides, it was our first meeting in the new format.
Oh Jesus Christ help me!
So first, my wife (who still attends meetings with a family member) tells me there's an awful new song that no one had the lyrics to at the meeting the other night.
Then today, I see all these posts on FB about this fantastic, new Lion King-esque song at the meeting where everyone was practically rolling in the aisles.
And now I've heard it for myself. . . . . ..
I know the GB is batshit crazy. . . . . But this?!!? Really?!?!?!?
hi everybody, 1st post here.
20 years jw, elder for 6 years, regular pioneer for 3 years, have always been following the 2012 candace conti abuse case with much interest, especially since the case suddenly disappeared from's news section (thanks brother j. r. brown, office of public information, because it led me to "worldly" websites for more info), leading to more and more dissatisfaction , leading to jwfacts, jwsurvey, ad1914, wtdocuments etc., leading to my awakening about 4 months ago, now fading faster and faster to zero meetings and zero field service...and you know what?
it feels good!.
Awesome intro RPT!
this phrase made me perk up my ear for a moment during this week's video demonstration.
this "follow-up remark was to the "householder's" affirmation that we do not know what happens at death.
religions use scare tactics to keep members captive, so is this a hook wt introduces early?
My wife was struck by the stupidity of that statement.
JW "reasoning" at it's finest.
so, all of us have probably heard a lot of urban miracle legends over the years in the's one from outside the org.years ago, i worked with this lady.
she was my supervisor.
we liked having discussions on god and the bible.
One of my new favorites is the Dubyah Broadcasting experience of the unbelieving mate/engineer who made a deal with god to go to a meeting if he helped him find a leak in some plumbing. Classic JW superstitious craziness.
hello, this is my first post, i would like to introduce myself and say thank you to every one on this forum, you have been a lifeline to me these last few years.. i had been a jw for 30 years when i walked away a few years ago disgusted by the treatment victims of child abuse, domestic abuse and rape receive from the wtbts.. at first i thought it was a local problem, elders personal opinions, the way they handled the situations, imperfect men etc., until i checked out jehovahs witnesses and child abuse/domestic abuse online.
that's when i realized they had the same modus operandi worldwide.
that led me here, tbuo this forum, and then to crisis of conscience, jw facts, watchtower documents, jw survey, old watchtower literature and cd s, reading a couple of steve hassans books, and more recently exiting the jw cult.. the feelings of shock, betrayal, anger at the wtbts, angry with myself for being so gullible, depression, reflection, loneliness, have taken their toll. think about how the congregations actually function....even down to the individual level.. the biggest bully on the boe (or his wife), controls the show.. ones within the congregation are treated like they're dirt and still they return.
stockholm syndrome?.
i've heard ones say that 'jehovah(tm) will sort it all out.
Yep, it's weird.
I was just talking to my BIL who is a MS and he sees all the hypocrisy and bullying going on, and somehow manages to turn it all around in his head to be some sort of heroic struggle he must endure to stay faithful to Jehovah.